Vladimir Spivakov Foundation Sponsors’ Concert


Every year, as spring turns into summer, the St Andrew’s Anglican Church becomes a playground for talented young musicians: for sponsors of the Vladimir Spivakov Foundation, taking part in the International Festival “Moscow Meets Friends” in support of the Step Up Centre.

This year’s concert was held on 30th May – it was a warm evening and the smell of jasmine was blossoming in the church garden. We were treated to beautiful music and delicious food – it was a real celebration for our guests and the perfect start to a new week.

Delicious snacks – eclairs, vegan fruit sweets and cookies – were prepared for guests in the Kings and Cabbage culinary club by our volunteers and students.

We also treated everyone to sandwiches prepared for the celebration by the Courtyard Marriott Moscow Centre. For this, as well as for regularly helping us organise events (providing tables and tablecloths to maximise our guests’ comfort), we must thank Natalia Yuryeva as well as the head of the banqueting service, Alexei Ryapolov.

Thanks to guests’ donations, the Step Up Centre raised 33,000 roubles.

Thank you to the Vladimir Spivakov Foundation for spending this day with us – and for us! Thank you to the young musicians who performed and of course, to our spectators who love attending the event every year!





