“National Studies: Brazil” – a student project conference
Every spring we hold student conferences at the Step Up Orphan Opportunity Centre which are dedicated to countries that our students have chosen to work on.
This year the conference was dedicated to Brazil and it was one of the most heated student project conferences we have had – probably because the students had really prepared for it.
The students themselves prepared excellent presentations with video clips as usual, but this time they showed such courage by speaking without prompts. This was the main achievement of the conference for many of them.
ВThere were 14 presentations altogether and a quiz that our physics teacher, Ekaterina, had prepared after each thematic unit. The conference was held at the “Pokrovsky Gates” cultural centre – thank you for such a warm welcome!
Another thank you to all of our friends who came to support our students!
More photos from the conference can be found in our gallery.