Step Up students meet participants of the Distance Learning project

For the third year running, the Step Up Centre has collaborated with the organisation “Volunteers helping child-orphans” to create a Distance Learning project. Around 50 students from orphanages and institutions- some of them correctional – in Moscow, Tula and Saratov participate in online lessons in the usual school subjects.
These activities help students to prepare for state exams, to hone specific skills in order to move onto the next level of education and of course, to spark motivation and interest in their studies.
This academic year is coming to an end and, seeing its results, we decided to hold a real celebration for the participants of this project. We gave them books, certificates, sweet treats, and played educational games.
After visiting the Cirque du Soleil, students from the Zaprudnensky institution and the Dubensky shelter in Tula met Step Up students at the Hyundai Motorstudio. All of the students seemed really happy with the day. We watched their joint search for survival after the “Tundra air catastrophe” (thanks, Alexey and Ekaterina!).
We realised that all of the doubts we had three years ago were in vain – of course, there have been difficulties and it has taken a lot of effort, but the project has been very successful.
In the 2015-2016 academic year, as part of the Distance Learning project, 2600 lessons were taught. This was only possible due to the continued efforts of our teachers, volunteers and everyone else who supported the project.
Our project has the chance to develop and help even more – we just have to remember that there are a lot of children out there who don’t dream of having the latest iPhone, but of having a good education. You can support the project here:
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