Graduation 2016


Graduation – a day of pure joy and happiness!

We ended the 2015-2016 academic year celebrating five successful Year 9 graduates, one degree from Plekhanov and 146 other students who are moving on to the next stage of their education. We didn’t have a Year 11 group graduating this year but such a wonderful Year 9 group made up for it in the teachers’ eyes.

During the celebration we congratulated graduates for achieving their goals – they are a true example to all the students who still don’t believe in themselves or in the chance that the Step Up teachers give them.

As always, we congratulated those students who have not yet graduated from the final class but are moving on to the next stage in their education. Morgan Lewis staff prepared lovely sets of books that the students had asked for, as well as office supplies needed for the next academic year.

Thank you to all of the Morgan Lewis employees, especially to Alena Marusichenko and Diana Mukhametzyanova for the beautiful books and office sets that each student at the Step Up Centre received. They were all delighted – they got the exact books they wanted!

Also, to mark the end of our first MaslomVverkh culinary season, we gave all our project participants little gifts (cooking pots) from IKEA. Thank you to IKEA Moscow and CharityShop for helping us out!

Thank you to Dina Magnat and Paulina Bikonya for the photos. Thank you for Sergey Borisov for preparing food for graduation.

And of course, thank you to everyone who came along to share this special evening with us!

More photos are available in our gallery.







