Volunteers needed!

Our students include residents of psychoneurological institutions — closed institutions for adults –where some children from orphanages are sent by the decision of special committees. Most of these students come to us to learn how to read and write because they do not have access to education.
We need volunteers to help accompany one psychoneurological resident to classes at our Centre.
His name is Seryozha. He is 20. Before, he lived in an orphanage for mentally disabled children. He now he lives in the psychoneurological institution. Seryozha has been our student for two years. He is able to walk himself, but with difficulty, so he needs to be accompanied.
We need 3-4 volunteers who are ready to accompany Seryozha from his psycho-neurological institution (Kolomenskaya metro station) to Step Up (Tverskaya metro station) 4 times a week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday). The classes start at 2-3 p.m. and last till 6-7 p.m., sometimes 8:30 p.m. The trip there and back takes about an hour.
Seryozha is a lively, curious and friendly young man who needs support, so that he doesn’t lose interest in life! And for this he needs to study.
Maybe, someone has the opportunity to help us (e.g. to accompany Seryozha to and from Step Up once a week). If you might be able to do this, please email info@vverh.su or call +7 495 629 51 17.