Our system of measurement and evaluation


On 24th October the Step Up Centre held a meeting dedicated to discussing the recently-implemented system of measuring and evaluating social results. The system was implemented as part of the programme “A system of measuring and evaluating social orphanhood programmes: an online service with expert support and inspiring stories (PION).

The PION programme was implemented by ANO “Evolution and Philanthropy” with the financial support of Moscow’s committee for public relations and the Timchenko charity fund. The aim of the programme is to encourage more NGOs to introduce the practice of measuring and evaluating social results.

On the night of the presentation, we warmly welcomed our colleagues from the NGOs “A Big Change” and “Our Children”. We’re extremely grateful to them for sharing their experiences with us and provoking a lively discussion about evaluation methods and how they fit into these particular organisations.

Another huge thank you goes to Olga Evdokimova, the director of ANO “Evolution and Philanthropy”, the organisation which allows us to implement our system of measurement and evaluation.

We must also thank Natalya Freik, an expert in leading the implementation of these systems; not only does she work with us professionally but she also lends a friendly hand every step of the way.

Thank you to all the Step Up staff who took part in the presentation and discussion for your attention and inspiration, and thank you to Paulina Bikonya for the photographs.

You can find more photographs in our gallery.