Hackathon “Intern@”
On 4th and 5th February, students from the Step Up Centre took part in the “Intern@” (Institution) workshop – they created IT-projects to help solve problems associated with the social adaptation of orphanage graduates. This was organised by the Hothouse of Social Technology.
Over the course of two days, under the leadership of experienced consultants, our students completed all of the stages of creating an app: from the very blueprints, to expanding their ideas, to the very realisation of a real-life application.
The students thought about what would really be useful to them personally and came up with two projects: “Online Timetable and Access to Materials for Lessons” and “Job Vacancies”.
The timetable helps to always know your current topics and to plan your time. Access to job vacancies helps you look a little further, create your CV, view and respond to job vacancies, contact managers: ultimately, to find work. You can look at your timetable, find opportunities and plan your time all in one place.
At the end of the first day of the workshop the students presented the ideas of their project to the conference’s participants. The ideas they had outlined were still just words on a page and eyes were burning in anticipation of the realisation of such a project.
Early Sunday morning, work began on the realisation of the project. Under the guidance of Andrey Misurev the “paper” ideas and plans gradually became reality.
As lunchtime approached, Natasha Fedorovna and Lesha put up the week’s timetable on the working application, testing out notifications with everyone they could in case any changes needed to be made. The other team created and tested sending a CV to a manager who had put up a vacancy on the site.
Late on Sunday evening, extremely tired but pleased with their work, the students presented their working applications. They spoke to important specialists from the Hothouse of Social Technology and to conference participants about the advantages and possibilities of their decisions.
We are extremely proud of our students! It was not an easy task and was very thrilling. We received a spectators’ prize and all day yesterday the students shared their feedback of the workshop with us in the Centre. Many congratulations to the winners- the “Successful Orphans” project; we wish them a successful launch.
Thank you to the team from the Hothouse for allowing us to be involved, particularly to their consultants who helped and supported our students.
We had a very full and productive two days!
More photos of the hackathon can be found in our gallery.
Watch this small video to find out more about how it went